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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religion > Christianisme


Religion; Christianisme

La conviction que toutes les âmes seront sauvées par Dieu à la fin. L'enfer n'existe pas ou est temporaire.


Religion; Christianisme

(Greek evangelion; Old English godspel, "good news"). The content of Christian preaching; that is, that Christ died to save humans from the penalty of sin and reunite them with ...


Religion; Christianisme

Le prêtre et le chef spirituel d'un diocèse.


Religion; Christianisme

(Lat. Papa, "father") The bishop of Rome, who became the recognized leader of the entire Western church. See History: Development of the Papacy.

ex cathedra

Religion; Christianisme

(Latin "from the throne. ") Authoritative statements made by the Pope in Roman Catholicism.


Religion; Christianisme

A solemn Christian ritual believed to be a means of grace, a sign of faith, or obedience to Christ's commands. The Anglican catechism defines a sacrament as "an outward and ...


Religion; Christianisme

Priest or minister who presides over a service including the Eucharist. Compare with "officiant. "