Accueil > Catégories de produits > Dispositifs médicaux > Cardiac supplies

Cardiac supplies

Cardiac supplies are tools used for medical procedures relating to the heart.

Contributors in Equipement cardiologique

Cardiac supplies


Dispositifs médicaux; Equipement cardiologique

Un erratique, chaotique frémissante du myocarde au cours de laquelle le coeur ne peut efficacement pompe le sang. Fibrillation de l'oreillette est appelée fibrillation auriculaire (FA) ; dans le ...


Dispositifs médicaux; Equipement cardiologique

A protein in the blood that enmeshes blood cells and other substances during blood clotting.


Dispositifs médicaux; Equipement cardiologique

The formation of fibrous/scar tissue.


Dispositifs médicaux; Equipement cardiologique

An X-ray monitor that provides a continuous x-ray image of the heart and vessels during invasive procedures.


Dispositifs médicaux; Equipement cardiologique

A condition in which the contractions in the upper or lower chambers of the heart become extremely rapid (but regular). A patient may or may not feel the flutter.

tachycardie ventriculaire

Dispositifs médicaux; Equipement cardiologique

A fast heartbeat caused by abnormal impulses coming from a single area of the heart. These abnormal impulses take over the "pacemaker" function of the S-A node. The rapid heartbeat can produce ...

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