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Cultural anthropology

Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.

Contributors in Anthropologie culturelle

Cultural anthropology


Anthropologie; Anthropologie culturelle

Étude des relations entre la variation sociale et linguistique ; étude de la langue (performance) dans son contexte social.


Anthropologie; Anthropologie culturelle

Une menace pour la santé scientifiquement identifiés causée par une bactérie, virus, champignon, parasite ou autres agents pathogènes.


Anthropologie; Anthropologie culturelle

Relatives à ce monde plutôt que de choses religieuses.

dialecte regional

Anthropologie; Anthropologie culturelle

Un dialecte associé à une communauté de discours isolée géographiquement. Un exemple est le texas à la différence du dialecte américain du Midwest supérieur.


Anthropologie; Anthropologie culturelle

The conceptions of appropriate and expected behavior that are held by most members of the society. Norms are also referred to as "social norms. "


Anthropologie; Anthropologie culturelle

As used by Antonio Gramsci, a stratified social order in which subordinates comply with domination by internalizing its values and accepting its "naturalness. "


Anthropologie; Anthropologie culturelle

Once a synonym for "ethnic group," designating a single culture sharing a language, religion, history, territory, ancestry, and kinship; now usually a synonym for state or nation-state.

Blossaires en vedette


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Collaborative Lexicography

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