Accueil > Catégories de produits > Soins de santé; Produits pharmaceutiques > Vaccines


Terms that relate to biological agents to the body that improves immunity to a particular desease. Vaccines contain a weaker version of the microbe so that it is easier to handle and further recognize by the host's immune system.

Contributors in Vaccins



Soins de santé; Vaccins

Voir la variole.


Soins de santé; Vaccins

Caracterise par de petites elevations de peau contenant des fluides.


Soins de santé; Vaccins

A chronic health condition where the body is unable to produce insulin and properly breakdown sugar (glucose) in the blood. Symptoms include hunger, thirst, excessive urination, dehydration and ...


Soins de santé; Vaccins

Une maladie bacteriale caracterisee par la formation d'une membrane dans la gorge qui peut causer la mort.


Soins de santé; Vaccins

Sickness, illness or loss of health.


Soins de santé; Vaccins

A tiny organism that multiplies within cells and causes disease such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and hepatitis. Viruses are not affected by antibiotics, the drugs used to kill ...

taux d'efficacite

Soins de santé; Vaccins

Un taux utilise pour decrire commentune nouveau vaccin est utilise pour empecher la maladie.

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