Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > ID stranke

ID stranke

1. The served user's (or controller's) reference to a particular party within the context of a call. Note 1: Multiple parties may be associated with a given call, e. G. , a conference call. Moreover, there may be multiple connections associated with a single party, e. G. , a simultaneous voice and video call. Note 2: This service description assumes that there exists only one connection to a given party. 2. In a teleconference, any participant.

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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Boissons Catégorie : L'eau embouteillée


Евиан је skupoceni бренд флаширане минералне воде произведене са извора лизу Евиан-лес-Баинс(Évian-les-Bains) у француским Алпима. У власништву ...