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Loisirs; Films

Used to describe actor Vin Diesel when he breaks away from his typical role of mediocre acting in an action film and gives an ...


Science; Sciences générales

The act of thoroughly enjoying deductive reasoning to a point where you 'get off' when you deduce correctly.


Communication; Communication d'entreprise

One who's been stripped of their right to some privilege in such a way as to berate or demean them. Also, the resultant feelings ...


Sociologie; Apprentissage social

The term is related to the illegal immigration, which has been the main headline of the north African news. Al harga means ...


Communications mobiles; Les téléphones mobiles

People in East Europe often use this term when they talk about Nokia 3310. Nokia 3310 was released in 2000. Phone received its ...


Sociologie; Sociologie générale

Contraction of survival+tip. Suggestions or instructions to save money or spend less to face the crisis. Examples are recipes ...


Langue; Argot

Bread in slang means money ,, people say : I need some bread to pay for my car , bread here means money.

vespal virgin

Culture; Les gens

Slang term used to describe young girls that can be seen riding around Europe (esp. Italy) on their scooters (i.e. Vespas).


Technologie; Technologie de l'information

Transgooglation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by using Google Translate to achieve the equivalent ...


Langue; Argot

This term is used as a slang word to "mistake" for example : If you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job , that ...


Général; Divers

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.


Internet;  e-marketing

Terminization is the characterization of a term-oriented digital world in which everything seemingly revolves around terms. A ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

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