Accueil > Termes > Bosniaque (BS) > inkubacija
In birds and reptiles, the maintaining of a constant temperature during the development of the embryo. Birds incubate their eggs by sitting on them (also called brooding),while other animals, like crocodiles, bury their eggs in organic matter. If eggs are not incubated, the embryos within those eggs generally die. Some dinosaurs may have incubated their eggs by burial in sediment, in organic matter, or by brooding like birds.
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Produits de soins personnels Catégorie : Maquillage
Obično breskvasto ili ružičasto isticanje, koristi se za stvaranje prirodnih ružičastih obraza. Primijenjen pravilno, rumenilo može stvoriti osvježeni ...
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