Category: Arts
Created by: anton.chausovskyy
Number of Blossarys: 25
English (EN)
Bulgarian (BG)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Swedish (SV)
Catalan (CA)
Slovenian (SL)
French (FR)
Romanian (RO)
Japanese (JA)
Portuguese (PT)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
Spanish (ES)
Thai (TH)
Indonesian (ID)
Korean (KO)
Vietnamese (VI)
German (DE)
This is the world in which fireman Guy Montag lives. It is a lonely, desolate existence where people pass one day after another, never reading, enjoying nature or thinking independently. Montag slowly becomes disillusioned and begins to question the meaning of his life. As he does, he discovers the value of literature and moves boldly to save himself — and great books — from his pursuers.
Aquest és el món en el qual bomber Guy Montag viu. És una existència solitari, desolat on persones passen un dia rere l'altre, mai lectura, gaudir de la natura o pensament independent. Montag lentament esdevé desil·lusionats i comença a qüestionar el significat de la seva vida. Com ho fa, ell descobreix el valor de la literatura i es mou amb valentia salvar-se — i grans llibres — dels seus perseguidors.