American Gas Association
Industrie: Energy
Number of terms: 18218
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The American Gas Association represents local energy companies that deliver natural gas throughout the United States.
أقصى ضغط يسمح برموز مختلفة، كمصممة بتصميم الإجراءات المطبقة على المواد والمكان المعنيين.
الأجهزة المستخدمة مع مقياس لتقدم تعديلاً لعداد القراءة إلى السماح بالحصول على المعلومات الخاصة، أو لنقل المعلومات إلى موقع بعيد.
المعدل السنوي الذي ينفذ تدبير DSM، كنسبة مئوية من الإمكانات التقنية للمقياس.
مصنع الباقين على قيد الحياة في بداية عصر من الفاصل الزمني، ويتعرضون لخطر التقاعد خلال هذا الفاصل الزمني.
A number expressing the percent of the specified constituent in a mixture to the total quantity of the mixture, as pounds of salt per pound of brine.
Certain parties have advanced the concept of the "Golden Rule" in pipeline rate cases. Under this concept, the pipeline as a merchant must be subject to all of the terms and conditions as other shippers on the pipeline's system. The pipeline, as a merchant, must contract with itself for transportation service and receive a priority for scheduling and curtailment under the same terms as other shippers. See COMPARABILITY OF SERVICE.
That state of matter which has neither independent shape nor volume. It expands to fill the entire container in which it is held. It is one of the three forms of matter, the other two being solid and liquid.
The maximum or minimum required operating pressure at a receipt or delivery point as specified in the Service Agreement.
The trade name of an instrument used to determine whether or not the well bore is proceeding in a vertical orientation at any point. In most drilling operations, either government bodies or contract stipulations or both, provide a maximum deviation of the well bore from the vertical; commonly, this maximum is three degrees. When deviation is in excess of the allowable, it is necessary to modify drilling procedures to bring it back in line.
A gas company schedule detailing the terms, conditions and rate information applicable to various types of natural gas service. This document is filed with and approved by FERC or a state regulatory body.