Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Industrie: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
In the transmission or recording of raster-scanned analog television signals, an artifact manifested as a weak, ghost-like secondary image, offset (in the direction of the scan) with respect to the position of the primary image. Note: Ghosting is probably most familiar as a consequence of multipath rf reception of a broadcast television signal. The slight delay in the arrival time of the reflected signal results in the display of a secondary image that follows the primary. In the playback of a tape-recorded program, ghosting may also be introduced by print-through in the magnetic tape medium.
In the transmission or recording of raster-scanned analog television signals, an artifact manifested as a weak, ghost-like secondary image, offset (in the direction of the scan) with respect to the position of the primary image. Note: Ghosting is probably most familiar as a consequence of multipath rf reception of a broadcast television signal. The slight delay in the arrival time of the reflected signal results in the display of a secondary image that follows the primary. In the playback of a tape-recorded program, ghosting may also be introduced by print-through in the magnetic tape medium.
In the U. S. Implementation of a ITU-T X. 25 network, the first three digits of a network terminal number (NTN. ) Note: The 10-digit NTN is the specific addressing information for an end-point terminal in an X. 25 network.
In the United States, a state regulatory body charged with regulating intrastate utilities, including telecommunications systems. Note: In some states this regulatory function is performed by public service commissions or state corporation commissions.
In the United States, standard time and frequency signals, broadcast on very precise carrier frequencies by the U. S. Naval Observatory and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST,) formerly the National Bureau of Standards (NBS. ) Note: The Radio Regulations (RR) define an identical international service as standard frequency and time signal service.
In the vicinity of a transmitting antenna, the area in which the signal from that antenna interferes with the reception of other signals. Note: The blanketing area around a given transmitting antenna depends on the selectivity and sensitivity of the receiver, and on the respective levels of the other signals in question.
In the World Wide Web, a protocol that facilitates the transfer of hypertext-based files between local and remote systems.
In time-assignment speech interpolation (TASI) or digital speech interpolation (DSI,) truncation of the initial part of a speech spurt, caused when all channels in a given direction of transmission are busy and the transmission of the spurt must wait for an available channel.
In time-division multiplexing reception, synonym frame synchronization. 2. In video reception, the process of adjusting the timing of the receiver to coincide with the received video synchronization pulse. 3. In facsimile, the adjustment of the facsimile picture to a desired position in the direction of line progression.
In timing-dependent systems, a free-running operational timing mode in which continuous or periodic measurement of clock error, i.e., of timing error, is not made. Note: Operation in the coasting mode may be enhanced for a period of time by using clock-error data or clock-correction data (obtained during a prior period of operation in the tracking mode) to estimate clock corrections.