Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Industrie: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
The number of characters or bits in a yyword.
The number of bound modes that an optical fiber is capable of supporting. Note: The mode volume M is approximately given by V2/2 and (V2/2) respectively for step-index and power-law profile fibers, where g is the profile parameter, and V is the normalized frequency greater than 5.
The number of bits, characters, or blocks passing through a data communication system, or portion of that system. Note 1: Throughput may vary greatly from its theoretical maximum. Note 2: Throughput is expressed in data units per period of time; e.g., in the DDN, as blocks per second. 2. The maximum capacity of a communications channel or system. 3. A measure of the amount of work performed by a system over a period of time, e.g., the number of jobs per day.
The number of bits recorded per unit length, area, or volume. Note: Bit density is the reciprocal of bit pitch. Synonym recording density.
The noise level resulting from undesired variations of a carrier in the absence of any intended modulation. Synonym residual modulation.
The number of a clock (in a hierarchical synchronization distribution system) that defines the quality of the clock by specifying parameters such as frequency accuracy, pull-in range, and noise performance. The formal specifications are given in T1. 101-1999 and T1. 105. 09-1997. Note: Only stratum 1 clocks may operate independently; other clocks are slaved directly or indirectly to a stratum 1 clock.
The number identifying a calling user line within an area designated by a country code.
The NSA is the official cryptologic organization of the U. S. Government. Need-to-know: 1. Security principle that the dissemination of classified information should be no wider than is required for the efficient conduct of the business in hand and restricted to those who are authorized to have access. 2. Access right granted in accordance with this principle. See also: Least Privilege.
The North American standard (525-line interlaced raster-scanned video) for the generation, transmission, and reception of television signals. Note 1: In the NTSC standard, picture information is transmitted in vestigial-sideband AM and sound information is transmitted in FM. Note 2: In addition to North America, the NTSC standard is used in Central America, a number of South American countries, and some Asian countries, including Japan.
The nominal frequency of a carrier wave. 2. In frequency modulation, synonym center frequency. 3. The frequency of the unmodulated electrical wave at the output of an amplitude modulated (AM,) frequency modulated (FM,) or phase modulated (PM) transmitter. 4. The output of a transmitter when the modulating wave is made zero.