British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Industrie: Broadcasting & receiving
Number of terms: 5074
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The largest broadcasting organisation in the world.
Une réduction généralisée observée dans la lumière du soleil à la surface de la terre, qui varie considérablement selon les régions. La cause la plus probable de l'assombrissement global est une interaction entre la lumière du soleil et des particules d'aérosol microscopiques résultant des activités humaines. Dans certaines régions, comme l'Europe, l'assombrissement global n'est plus cas, grâce à des règlements de l'air pur.
Industry:Natural environment
A textile bank is a place to take old clothes for recycling. Compared with other materials such as glass, there is, as yet, very little textile recycling in the UK.
Industry:Natural environment
A thermostat maintains the temperature of a system at or near a stipulated level using sensors that tell it when to turn off heating devices. In most household central heating systems, a wall-mounted thermostat is used to set a maximum temperature for the house, while thermostatic radiator valves can be used to set a desired level for individual radiators.
Industry:Natural environment
A toxin is a chemical compound from one organism that is harmful to another organism.
Industry:Natural environment
A device used to measure the volume of water used by a household or business. Billing people for the water they actually use, rather than a fixed annual charge, is increasingly common in the UK, and is regarded as an incentive to users to avoid wasting water.
Industry:Natural environment
Water pressure is the force that pushes water through pipes and determines the rate of flow from your taps. Water companies are required to provide water at a pressure that will reach the upper floors of houses, but where this is a problem, pressure can be improved using pumps. However, devices such as power showers, which use a pump to boost flow for a more powerful shower spray, also greatly increase the volume of water used and the energy required to heat it.
Industry:Natural environment
The state of the atmosphere with regard to temperature, cloudiness, rainfall, wind and other meteorological conditions. It is not the same as climate which is the average weather over a much longer period.
Industry:Natural environment
Озон је плин који се састоји од три атома кисеоника. Може да буде и штетан и користан, у зависности гдје се налази: близу земљине површине је загађивач који омета дисање; 10—50km од површине он служи као филтер потенцијално штетних ултра-љубичастих зрака (које проузрокују рак коже).
Industry:Natural environment
Turbolenza descrive irregular mulinelli d'aria all'interno della corrente di aria generale. Può essere causato quando il vento scorre sopra gli ostacoli come alberi o edifici e ottiene 'sbattuto in su', quindi non ha più un flusso regolare. Turbine eoliche non gestiscono bene turbolenza e produzione di energia può essere drasticamente diminuito.
Industry:Natural environment
Parlando in generale, qualsiasi stato di blocco ex-sovietico. Al momento che il protocollo di Kyoto è stato adottato nel 1997, questi paesi erano sul percorso da un'economia pianificata comunista all'economia di mercato. Molti di loro ora essere categorizzati come economie di mercato. Paesi in transizione verso un'economia di mercato sono raggruppati con i paesi industrializzati nell'allegato I del protocollo di Kyoto, così hanno impegni di riduzione delle emissioni di incontrare nel periodo 2008-2012. In alcuni casi la loro base industriale crollato a tal punto negli anni novanta che essi non avranno difficoltà questi impegni.
Industry:Natural environment