U.S. Energy Information Administration
Industrie: Energy
Number of terms: 18450
Number of blossaries: 0
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A plant in which the prime mover is a steam turbine. The turbine is driven either by steam produced from hot water or by natural steam that derives its energy from heat found in rock.
This is a special coke that isused in furnaces to produce cast and ductile iron products. It is a source of heat and also helps maintain the required carbon content ofthe metal product. Foundry coke production requires lower temperatures and longer times than blast furnace coke.
A special type of thermal spring that periodically ejects water with great force.
The process by which saturated hydrocarbons are removed from natural gas and separated into distinct products, or "fractions," such as propane, butane, and ethane.
One billion
An agreement opened for signature at the "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, on June 4, 1992, which has the goal of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent significant anthropogenically forced climate change.
One billion watts or one thousand megawatts.
The value of acommodity at the port of exportation, generally including the purchase price plus all charges incurred in placing the commodity alongside the carrier at the port of exportation.
One billion watts of electric capacity.
A sales transaction in which the seller makes the product available for pick up at a specified port or terminal at a specified price and the buyer pays for the subsequent transportation and insurance.