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A movement of non-Jews who have consciously accepted the responsibility of following the Seven Laws of Noah.
Lit. Children of the commandment. Plural of Bar Mitzvah. Children who have achieved the age of 13 and are consequently obligated to observe the commandments. Also, a ceremony marking the fact that children have achieved this age.
A style of writing the Hebrew Alphabet, commonly used in books.
Yiddish. A thin, crepe-like pancake rolled around a filling of potato and onion, cheese, or fruit.
A blessing. A prayer beginning with the phrase "barukh atah. . . " (blessed art Thou. . . ). See Prayers and Blessings; Common Prayers and Blessings.
A woman of great learning, and the wife of Rabbi Meir. The Talmud records several instances where her opinions on Jewish Law were accepted over those of her male contemporaries. See The Role of Women.
A rule of kosher food preparation that requires a Jew to be involved in the cooking in some circumstances.
Jewish law permits certain methods of birth control in appropriate circumstances.
Lit. Blessing of the food. Grace after meals. The recitation of birkat ha-mazon is commonly referred to as bentsching.
The Blessing of the Sun, once every 28 years, when the halakhic vernal equinox occurs on the fourth day at the 0 hour of the day (6 PM Tuesday). The blessing is recited at dawn of that day on the Jewish calendar, which is Wednesday morning (a Jewish day starts at sunset and continues until sunset on the next secular day).