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Intuition, understanding, intelligence. A quality that women supposedly have in greater degree than men. Also, in kabbalistic thought, one of the Ten Sefirot.
The pedestal on which the Torah scrolls are placed when they are being read in the synagogue; i.e., the pulpit.
Also referred to as the Tanakh. The Jewish Bible more or less corresponds to what non-Jews call the "Old Testament. " See Torah.
The first part of the two-part process of Jewish marriage, which creates the legal relationship without the mutual obligations. In Hebrew, it is called "kiddushin. "
The black Jews of Ethiopia, sometimes referred to as Falashas. See Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews.
Yiddish: bless. To recite a blessing. Usually refers to the recitation of the birkat ha-mazon (grace after meals). See Prayers and Blessings; Common Prayers and Blessings.
1) Son of Jacob (Israel). Ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel; 2) The tribe that bears his name.
Judaism has no dogma, no formal set of beliefs that one must hold to be a Jew. In Judaism, actions are far more important than beliefs, although there is certainly a place for belief within Judaism. See What Do Jews Believe?; The Nature of G-d; Human Nature; Kabbalah; Olam Ha-Ba: The Afterlife.
Lit. House of Shammai. A school of thought during the Talmudic period, generally contrasted with the more lenient, humanistic views of Beit Hillel.
Lit. House of study. A place set aside for study of sacred texts such as the Torah and the Talmud, generally a part of the synagogue or attached to it.