Industrie: Language
Number of terms: 220363
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
MICRA, Inc. is a small corporation in New Jersey primarily concerned with building lexical databases for use in Natural Language Understanding.
A men living in the forest in or beyond the new settlements, especially on the western frontiers of the older portions of the United States.
A metal so prepared as to have the appearance of bronze.
A meteor or brilliant shooting star, followed by a train of light or sparks; esp. one which explodes.
A method of reducing corpulence by avoiding food containing much farinaceous, saccharine, or oily matter; -- so called from William Banting of London.
A metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones; according to some, two long and a short.
A military headdress or cap, used in the British army. It is of fur, with a bag, of the same color as the facings of the regiment, hanging from the top over the right shoulder.
A mineral consisting of titanic oxide, and hence identical with rutile and octahedrite in composition, but crystallizing in the orthorhombic system.
A mineral occurring in triclinic crystals approaching pyroxene in angle, and of a greenish black color. It is a silicate of iron, manganese, and lime.
A mineral of a bluish gray color and metallic luster, usually in plumose masses, also compact. It is sulphide of antimony and lead.
A mineral of a steel-gray to black color and metallic luster, occurring crystallized, often in twin crystals shaped like cogwheels (wheel ore), also massive. It is a sulphide of antimony, lead, and copper.