The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Industrie: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
Ag<sub>3</sub> PO<sub>4</sub> A poisonous, yellow powder; darkens when heated or exposed to light; soluble in acids and in ammonium carbonate, very slightly soluble in water; melts at 849_C; used in photographic emulsions and in pharmaceuticals, and as a catalyst. Also known as silver orthophosphate.
ZrC cietie pelēka kristāli, kas šķīst ūdenī, šķīst skābēm; kā pulveris, tā spontāni uzliesmo gaisā; kūst pie 3400_C, vārās pie 5100_C; izmantot kā abrazīvu, ugunsizturīgo materiālu un metāla apšuvuma un metālkeramika, kvēlspuldžu kvēldiegu un griešanas rīki.
Cu(OH)<sub>2</sub> Blue macro- or microscopic crystals; used as a mordant and pigment, in manufacture of many copper salts, and for staining paper. Also known as copper hydroxide.
ClO<sub>3</sub> _ 1. A negative ion derived from chloric acid. 2. A salt of chloric acid.
MnB<sub>4</sub>O<sub>7</sub> Water-insoluble, reddish-white powder; used as a varnish and oil drier.
Cu(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>_3H<sub>2</sub>O Green powder or blue crystals soluble in water; used in electroplating copper on iron. Also known as copper nitrate.
Vienu no galvenajiem neorganiskās skābes piemēram, sērskābes, nitrātu, vai sālsskābes skābes.
NaH A balts pulveris, sadala ūdeni un aizdegties valgo gaisu; izmantot, lai veiktu nātrija borohydride, gan pēc žāvēšanas aģentu un reaģentu.
MnCO<sub>3</sub> Rose-colored crystals found in nature as rhodocrosite; soluble in dilute acids, insoluble in water; used in medicine, in fertilizer, and as a paint pigment.
ZrH<sub>2</sub> A flammable, gray-black powder; used in powder metallurgy and nuclear moderators, and as a reducing agent, vacuum-tube getter, and metal-foaming agent.