The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Industrie: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
TlOH_H<sub>2</sub>O Toxic yellow, water- and alcohol-soluble needles, decomposes at 139_C; used as an analytical reagent. Also known as thallous hydroxide.
Sāls vai estera Benzonskābes, veidojas carboxyl group skābes ūdeņraža aizstājot ar metāla vai organiskas radikāli.
Ba(SCN)_2H<sub>2</sub>O White crystals that deliquesce; used in dyeing and in photography.
1. CH<sub>3</sub>COCOCH<sub>3</sub> A yellowish-green liquid with a boiling point of 88_C; has a strong odor that resembles quinone; occurs naturally in bay oil and butter and is produced from methyl ethyl ketone or by a special fermentation of glucose; used as an aroma carrier in food manufacturing. Also known as biacetyl. 2. A prefix indicating two acetyl groups.
KOCN bezkrāsains, ūdenī šķīstošs kristāliem; izmantoti kā herbicīdu un narkotikas un organisko ķīmisko vielu ražošanai.
(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>8</sub>O<sub>6</sub>)<sub>n</sub> An insoluble colloidal acid obtained from brown marine algae; it is hard when dry and absorbent when moist. Also known as algin.
BaS<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>_H<sub>2</sub>O A white powder that decomposes upon heating; used to make explosives and in matches. Also known as barium hyposulfite.
C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>COOH An aromatic carboxylic acid that melts at 122.4_C, boils at 250_C, and is slightly soluble in water and relatively soluble in alcohol and ether; derivatives are valuable in industry, commerce, and medicine.
KCN indīgas, balta, šķīstošs kristāli ar rūgto mandeļu garšu; šķīst ūdenī, alkoholu un glicerīns; izmantot metāla ekstrakciju, galvanotehnikā, heat-treating tērauda un analītiskā reaģenta un insekticīdu.
Etiķskābes esteris uz celulozes; grūts, elastīgu, slowburning un ilgstošu termoplastiska materiāla, kas izmantots kā bāze magnētiskajā lentē un filmas no acetāta viskozes, kā plastmasas plēve, veicot pārtikas iesaiņojuma, emaljas, un molded uztvērējs skapji.