National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Industrie: Aerospace
Number of terms: 16933
Number of blossaries: 2
Company Profile:
The Executive Branch agency of the United States government, responsible for the nation's civilian space program and aeronautics and aerospace research.
The degree of flattening of an ellipse and how much it deviates from a circular shape. With reference to the orbit of a planet, the distance between the center of its orbit and the center of the primary about which it revolves.
Backward (westward) motion of the planet among the stars, resulting from the fact that it is viewed from the moving earth. It is the motion that a planet has when its right ascension is decreasing. Each year, when Earth passes a superior planet, such as Mars, the planet appears to move backward for a short time. It is the same effect you see when two trains are running in the same direction on side by side tracks. The slower train appears to be moving backward.
The point in the orbit of a planet where it is nearest to the sun.
The hiding of one heavenly body by another, as when the moon passes between earth and a star, or when one of the moons of jupiter or saturn passes behind the planet.
Laws governing the motions of planets in their orbits:. # the orbits of the planets are ellipses with the sun at a common focus. # the line joining a planet and the sun sweeps over equal areas during equal intervals of time. # the squares of the periods of revolution of any two planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun.
The configuration of a land surface, including its relief.
A solid with four plane faces.
The use of telemeters for measuring and transmitting data.
1. An instrument that provides its data readout to a location remote from the sensing device; 2. To transmit data to a remote point.
La envoltura gaseosa rodea un cuerpo celeste.