- Industrie: Government; Health care
- Number of terms: 6957
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The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is one of 11 agencies that compose the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The NCI, established under the National Cancer Institute Act of 1937, is the Federal Government's principal agency for ...
حلاً مخففة جداً من محلول هيبوكلوريت الصوديوم (0. 5% w/v) مع النشاط مدى الموضعية. الحل في داكين يستخدم كمطهر لتنظيف الجروح الموضعية المصابة.
Metomidate (MTO) adrenal görüntülemede potansiyel uygulama ile bir iyot ı-123 eşlenik. Metomidate olan güçlü ve selektif inhibitörü sitokrom P-450 enzim, özellikle CYP11B1 (11 beta-hidroksilaz) ve CYP11B2 (aldosteron sentaz). Hem CYP11B1 hem de CYP11B2 adrenal korteks özel olarak ifade edilir, çünkü ı-123 iodometomidate bir radiotracer adrenal Sintigrafisi için kullanılabilir.
Biguanide senyawa dengan antibakteri topikal digunakan sebagai agen antiseptik. Chlorhexidine positif dikenakan dan bereaksi dengan permukaan sel mikroba untuk menghancurkan integritas membran sel bermuatan negatif. Mengikuti, chlorhexidine menembus ke dalam sel, menyebabkan kebocoran komponen intraselular yang menyebabkan kematian sel. Karena bakteri gram-positif dikenai biaya lebih negatif, mereka lebih sensitif terhadap agen ini.
Een kanker cel-gebaseerde vaccin met liposoom ingekapseld melanoom antigenen en een immunomodulerende factor, die, via een metalen complexvormer, aan een dendritische cel receptor (DCR) ligand-bevattende een label metal-affiniteit met potentiële immuunmodulerende en antineoplastica activiteit is aangesloten. Na intraveneuze toediening van DCR ligand-dragende liposoom ingekapseld melanoom antigenen vaccin, de DCR ligand groep van dit vaccin doelstellingen receptoren op dendritische cellen (DCs), waardoor de antigenen presenteren aan DCs die op zijn beurt, de DCs kunnen stimuleren en het immuunsysteem om te monteren een cytotoxische T-lymfocyten (CTL) reactie tegen melanoom kanker cel geassocieerde antigenen kunnen activeren.
The orally bioavailable hydrochloride salt of a synthetic, small-molecule ghrelin mimetic with appetite-stimulating and anabolic activities. Anamorelin binds to and stimulates the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) centrally, thereby mimicking the appetite-stimulating and growth hormone-releasing effects of grhelin. Stimulation of GHSR may also reduce the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and interleukin-6, which may play a direct role in cancer-related loss of appetite.
种缓蚀剂与潜在的抗肿瘤活性。种缓蚀剂 4SC-203 选择性地抑制了 FMS 相关酪氨酸激酶 3 (FLT3/STK1),FLT3 突变的窗体和受体,血管内皮生长因子 (VEGFRs)。这会导致抑制血管生成和细胞增殖的肿瘤细胞蛋白激酶在上调。FLT3 (FLK2) 类 III 酪氨酸激酶受体是中高表达,且在大多数 b 沿袭和急性髓系白血病 (AML) 的突变。酪氨酸激酶受体 VEGFRs 在不同类型的肿瘤细胞中高表达,且在血管生成中发挥了关键作用。
Une héparine de bas poids moléculaire (HBPM) composé d'un mélange hétérogène de polysaccharide sulfaté glycosaminoglycanes chaînes obtenue par dépolymérisation de l'héparine sodique muqueuse porcine, extraction/purification et de conversion pour le sel de calcium. Nadroparine se lie à l'antithrombine III (ATIII) et inhibe l'activité de facteur activé X (facteur Xa), ainsi inhibant la voie finale commune de la cascade de coagulation et empêchant la formation d'un caillot de fibrine réticulée.
An orally bioavailable, highly soluble phosphate prodrug of B-raf (BRAF) protein kinase with potential antineoplastic activity. BRAF inhibitor ARQ 736 is converted into its active form ARQ 680 in the presence of phosphatases. In turn, ARQ 680 selectively binds to and inhibits the activity of oncogenic B-raf, which may inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells expressing mutated B-raf gene. B-raf belongs to the raf/mil family of serine/threonine protein kinases and plays a role in regulating the MAP kinase/ERKs signaling pathway, which may be constitutively activated due to BRAF gene mutations. The valine to glutamic acid substitution at residue 600 (V600E) accounts for about 90% of BRAF gene mutations.
Рак на ваксина, състоящ се от един пресечен рекомбинантен HER2 пептид (dHER2) с потенциални antineoplastic дейност. На администрацията, рекомбинантен dHER2 ваксина може да стимулира имунния отговор за монтиране на отговор на цитотоксични Т-лимфоцити срещу туморни клетки, които overexpress HER2 протеин, което води до тумор цитолиза. HER2 протеин е тумор асоциирани антигени (ТАА) която е overexpressed в най-различни видове рак. DHER2 включва извънклетъчната домейн (ECD) и част от вътреклетъчни домейн (МКБ) на HER2 протеин.
傳統的中藥黃芪源自植物具有潛在的免疫活性。金膚康可能刺激巨噬細胞和自然殺傷細胞的抗腫瘤活性,並可能提高腫瘤的免疫識別通過抑制生產的 T 輔助細胞的細胞類型 2 (Th2) 的細胞因數,如白細胞介素-4 (IL-4) amd 白細胞介素-10 (IL 10)。