Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (OCRT)
Industrie: Religion
Number of terms: 4403
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance or ORCT attempts to serve the people of the United States and Canada in these four areas: disseminating accurate religious information, exposing religious fraud, hatred and misinformation, disseminating information on dozens of "hot" religious topics, ...
This is an Islamic term for the direction from the Muslim's current position on earth to the Kabbah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This is computed along the shorter of the two great circle routes between the Muslim's current position and the Kabbah. Muslims are expected to pray five times a day with facing Qibla. A Windows program for calculating Qibla and a mathematical formula is available.
A christian who follows a conservative typically evangelical theology, but who rejects most of the concerns of the religious right. They stresses issues related to human suffering, justice, poverty, and human rights, including the environment, global warming, the AIDS crisis, war, violence, education, gun control, etc.
In the Bible, the Hebrew and Greek words which are translated as sin mean failing to hit the target or missing the mark. Most conservative Christians believe that, since God is pure and just, that a person who sins just once cannot come into God's presence unless they first attain salvation.
A Muslim period of daytime fasting, sexual abstinence, and contemplation which lasts for a lunar month of about 28 days. It commemorates the transmission of the Qur'an by the archangel Gabriel to Muhammad.
A Christian movement which was started by Martin Luther in the early 16th century as an attempt to reform Roman Catholicism. It was joined by Zwingli, Bucer, Calvin and others, and resulted in a complete break with Catholicism. Millions of people died during the resulting religious wars. The reformation led to the fracturing of Christianity into approximately 35,000 faith groups.
Freedom of conscience as applied to Bible interpretation. This is the concept that an individual has the right and privilege to interpret scripture for themselves in the context of their religious community, using the best available scholarship.
The concept that God owns everything and has entrusted certain resources to individual believers who will eventually be held accountable for what they accomplished with those resources.
A native American ritual for purification involving moist hot air in an enclosed space.
A study of biblical text, attempting to identify the words of the original autograph copy and eliminate later forgeries, spelling errors, etc.
When applied to a sacred text like the Bible, infallible means that the text is fully trustworthy, i.e. it does not deceive the reader into falsehood. There are problems with this concept, because even within the conservative wing of Christianity, Bible experts reach many different conclusions about divorce, hell, the millennium, Book of Revelation, and creation/evolution, etc. Since these theologians' beliefs are mutually exclusive, most must be wrong. Since they were all derived from the Bible, the concept of biblical infallibility is suspect. Within the Roman Catholic Church, the belief that the pope can speak on matters of faith and morals without error. This belief was promulgated in 1870. The pope stripped Hans Küng of his credentials as a teacher of Catholic theology, largely because of his questioning of the doctrine of Papal infallibility.