Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies
Industrie: Energy
Number of terms: 2953
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Platts is a global provider of news, research, commentary, market data and analysis, and daily price assessments on the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical, and metals markets. The company sells subscriptions to its content, which is offered through websites, ...
A process by which propylene is made from propane.
A group of powerful greenhouse gases used in high voltage electrical insulation, medical applications and other uses.
The emergency loss of the source of electricity serving an area caused by failure of the generation, transmission, or distribution system.
An option offered by utilities to customers who can accept specified amounts of service reduction in return for reduced electric rates.
In oil: typically onland tankage facilities for short- or long-term storage of crude or products; sometimes used in economic parlance interchangeably with the concept of oil stocks. In natural gas: facilities used to store natural gas which has been transferred from its original location. Usually consists of natural geological reservoirs like depleted oil or gas fields, water-bearing sands sealed on top by an impermeable cap rock, underground salt domes, bedded salt formations, or in rate cases, abandoned mines.
Compressed natural gas used in vehicles and in other applications not attached to a pipeline.
Raw material used in a processing plant.
A hydroelectric plant which depends chiefly on the flow of a water stream as it occurs for generation. Differs from a storage project (such as a hydroelectric dam), which has space available to store water from one season to another. Some run-of-river projects have a limited storage capacity (pondage) which permits them to regulate streamflow on a daily or weekly basis.
Feedstock to a catalytic cracker, usually vacuum gasoil.
Valuable mineralization not sampled enough to estimate accurately its tonnage and grade, or even verify its existence. Also called inferred reserves. In oil, possible reserves are an estimate of reserves from an undrilled site or one that has not bee seismically tested.