Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
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Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
The workspace (window) available to an application. The size can be adjusted by the user and limited only by the size of the monitor's display.
A) Off-line storage of video/audio onto backup tapes, floppy disks, optical disks, etc. b) A collection of several files bundled into one file by a programme (such as ar, tar, bar, or cpio) for shipment or archiving. This method is very reliable and can contain large amounts of data.
One of three essential components of a microprocessor. The other two are the registers and the control block. The ALU performs various forms of addition, subtraction, and logic operations, such as ANDing the contents of two registers or masking the contents of a register.
Perhaps the major drawback to each of the Huffman encoding techniques is their poor performance when processing texts where one symbol has a probability of occurrence approaching unity. Although the entropy associated with such symbols is extremely low, each symbol must still be encoded as a discrete value. Arithmetic coding removes this restriction by representing messages as intervals of the real numbers between 0 and 1. Initially, the range of values for coding a text is the entire interval (0, 1). As encoding proceeds, this range narrows while the number of bits required to represent it expands. Frequently occurring characters reduce the range less than characters occurring infrequently, and thus add fewer bits to the length of an encoded message.
A) artefacts can range from noise and snow, to spots. Anything that is visually wrong with the picture is an artifact. artefacts however do not include picture errors caused by improperly adjusted displays. artefacts are visual errors caused by the signal being sent to the display. b) A defect or distortion of the image, introduced along the sequence from origination and image capture to final display. artefacts may arise from the overload of channel capacity by excess signal bandwidth. artefacts may also result from: sampling effects in temporal, spatial, or frequency domains; processing by the transfer functions; compromises any inadequacies in the system employed; cascading of minor defects; basically any other departure of the total system from “complete transparency.” c) Visible (or audible) consequences of various television processes. artefacts are usually referred to only when they are considered defects. artefact elimination is often more apparent than quality increases such as resolution enhancement. d) Interference or other unwanted “noise” in video such as flickering, changes in color, and macroblocking. Some artifacts, such as macroblocking, can be remedied in video compression and some cannot. The quality of the finished product is, in large part, no better than the source material. See also philtre Artifacts, Impairments, and NTSC Artifacts.
The ratio of the width of the picture to the height. For most current TVs, this ratio is 4:3. For HDTV, the ratio will be 16:9. The aspect ratio, along with the number of vertical scan lines that make up the image, determines what sample rate should be used to digitise the video signal. : 1:9 Description 1.0 9 Square photographic formats, including Instamatic 126 1.33 12 Existing television, old movies, Pocket Instamatic 110 1.44 13 IMAX film 1.5 13.5 35mm still photographs, proposed for theatrical release 1.61 14.5 Faroudja HDTV proposal 1.67 15 Original NHK proposal, theatrical projection outside the U.S. 1.78 16 ATSC/SMPTE HDEP standard, optimised for shoot and protect 1.85 17 Theatrical projection in the U.S. 2.0 18 Most forms of VistaVision 2.2 20 Some widescreen movie formats 2.35 21 CinemaScope and similar movie formats 2.6 23 Cinerama 2.7 24 Dimension-150, Ultra-Panavision 2.77 25 Dynavision widescreen 3D film format 4.0 36 Polyvision
Techniques by means of which something shot in one aspect ratio can be presented in another. The five currently used or proposed techniques are compared in the following table. It is also possible to combine techniques. Current ATV aspect ratio debates concentrate on the problems of presenting widescreen images to existing TV sets; the same problems (in an opposite direction) will occur when current aspect ratio images are presented on widescreen TV sets. In movie theaters, these problems are usually solved with movable drapes.
Electronic edit that replaces all previously recorded material with new audio and video and a new control track, starting at the edit point. Inserting a new control track allows for a constant speed reference throughout the entire tape.
Machine-oriented language. A programme is normally written as a series of statements using mnemonic symbols that suggest the definition of the instruction. It is then translated into machine language by an assembler program.
Compression in which the encoding and decoding require different processing power (the encoding is normally more demanding).