Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
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Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
A device used to remove or pass certain frequencies from a signal. Low-pass philtres pass the low-frequency content of a signal while highpass philtres pass the high -frequency content. A bandpass philtre passes frequencies within a certain “band.”
Distortions introduced by filters. The most common visual artefacts introduced by philtres are reduced resolution and ringing.
A digital philtre that is, in general, better than analogue philtres but also more complex and expensive. Some specialised philtre functions can only be accomplished using a FIR.
A low-pass philtre with a steep cut-off (such as 20 dB/octave or greater), such that a negligible amount of higher frequency information passes. The philtre typically has uniform group delay.
At this writing, the hottest new technology in video. FireWire is a special high-speed bus standard capable of over 100 Mbits/sec sustained data rate.
A low-pass philtre providing a gradual attenuation of the higher frequencies. Strictly the attenuation should follow the curve V = e^(–af^2). But the term is also applied to attenuation functions that only qualitatively resemble the precise power function.
Programme stored in ROM. Normally, firmware designates any ROM-implemented program.
In addition to the familiar optical philtres for modifying spectral energy distribution, and thereby colour rendition, optical philtres are also produced as low-pass philtres for spatial detail in an optical image, eliminating high-frequency information that would exceed the Nyquist limit of the system and produce excessive aliasing. Many of these philtres are cut from optically birefringent crystals and function by providing multiple images slightly displaced one form another so that fine detail is blurred (i.e., low-pass filtered).
A transparency technique wherein the first frame of the video file is a dummy frame that supplies the colour or range of colours to be rendered as transparent: the colour of the chroma-key background, for example. See Transparency, Transparency Frame.
Number representation in which the decimal point is assumed to be in a fixed position.