Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
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Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
Last cycle of instruction execution. The instruction operation is performed during this time.
An undesired increase in amplitude of a portion of the composite video signal relative to that of another portion. Also, a greater than proportional change in the output of a circuit for a change in input level. For example, expansion of the sync pulse means an increase in the percentage of sync during transmission.
a) o eroare-detectarea schema care este suma valorilor datelor transmise. Receptor calculează suma valorilor din datele primite şi compară-l a transmis suma. Dacă sunt egale, transmisia a fost erori. b) metoda utilizată pentru a verifica integritatea datelor încărcate în computer. c) O verificare simplă valoarea unui bloc de date, calculată prin adăugarea tuturor octeţi într-un bloc. Aceasta este păcălit cu uşurinţă de erori tipice în sisteme de transmitere a datelor, aşa că pentru majoritatea aplicaţiilor, un sistem mai sofisticate cum CRC este de preferat.
Semnale false care apar în canal Y urma compozit chroma semnale fiind interpretat ca luminanţă, cum ar fi "dot crawl" sau "marginile ocupat" pe zonele colorate.
O diagramă de test de alb şi negru. Conţine "cipuri" în intensităţi diferite care alcătuiesc o scară gri. Este folosit pentru a verifica scară gri având caracteristicile unui aparat de fotografiat, inclusiv parametrul de gamma.
Limbaj de asamblare care rulează pe un procesor al cărui limbaj de asamblare este diferită de limba asamblat.
Un artefact observate în sistemele compozite angajarea Cuadratura modularea şi frecvenţa interleaving. Eco-culoare rezultate din multiplicities de armonici de linie de scanare a semnalului in banda, care oferă familiilor de frecvenţe înconjoară fiecare dintre principalele vârfuri armonice. Aceste familii devin chiar mai complexe, dacă nu există mişcare în semnalele de luminanţă scena între scanări. Deoarece Interstiţiile sunt, prin urmare, nu complet gol, unele dintre informaţiile de pe semnalul de luminanţă este ulterior decodat ca informaţiile de culoare. A tipic efect vizibil este un model moiré.
In the archetypal hybrid coder, an estimate of the next frame to be processed is formed from the current frame and the difference is then encoded by some purely intraframe mechanism. In recent years, the most attention has been paid to the motion compensated DCT coder where the estimate is formed by a two-dimensional warp of the previous frame and the difference is encoded using a block transform (the Discrete Cosine Transform). This system is the basis for international standards for video telephony, is used for some HDTV demonstrations, and is the prototype from which MPEG was designed. Its utility has been demonstrated for video sequence, and the DCT concentrates the remaining energy into a small number of transform coefficients that can be quantized and compactly represented. The key feature of this coder is the presence of a complete decoder within it. The difference between the current frame as represented as the receiver and the incoming frame is processed. In the basic design, therefore, the receiver must track the transmitter precisely, the decoder at the receiver and the decoder at the transmitter must match. The system is sensitive to channel errors and does not permit random access. However, it is on the order of three to four times as efficient as one that uses no prediction. In practice, this coder is modified to suit the specific application. The standard telephony model uses a forced update of the decoded frame so that channel errors do not propagate. When a participant enters the conversation late or alternates between image sources, residual errors die out and a clear image is obtained after a few frames. Similar techniques are used in versions of this coder being developed for direct satellite television broadcasting.
Combining nonlinear edited video files with linear (deckto- deck) segments of footage.
The combination of two or more types of scalability.