U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation
Industrie: Government
Number of terms: 15655
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A U.S. Department of the Interior agency that oversees water resource management incuding the oversight and operation of numerous diversion, delivery, and storage projects the agency has built throughout the western United States for irrigation, water supply, and attendant hydroelectric power ...
For single circuit electric power transmission lines, circuit miles are equal to geographic miles or pole miles. For double circuit transmission lines, the number of circuit miles is twice the structure, pole, or geographic miles.
Also known as flowable fill or cement-slurry backfill, a mixture of pozzolan, Portland cement, water, coarse aggregate, and occasionally soil, typically used for pipe bedding and backfill with a strength of 50-100 psi at 28 days.
A permitting program under section 402 of the Clean Water Act required for all point sources discharging pollutants into waters of the United States. The purpose of the NPDES program is to protect human health and the environment.
The economic benefit associated with the physical use of a resource, usually measured by the consumer surplus or net economic value associated with such use. The contingent value method is one technique used to estimate use value.
Formal document that states the obligations of Reclamation to one or more other parties. A cooperative agreement provides the authority for the Bureau of Reclamation to issue funding to the other party(ies) listed in the agreement.
Any dam constructed of excavated natural materials. See diaphragm-type earthfill, earth dam or earthfill dam, homogeneous earthfill dam, hydraulic fill dam, rockfill dam, rolled fill dam, or zoned earthfill. See also berm and fill.
A gate consisting of a wheel-mounted leaf moved vertically by a motor-driven screw hoist. High pressure gate resembling a ring follower gate in general configuration, but designed for regulating flow with minimal cavitation damage.
Earthquake time history records developed from mathematical models that use white noise, filtered white noise, and stationary and nonstationary filtered white noise, or theoretical seismic source models of failure in the fault zone.
A pressure designation for pounds per square inch. May be pounds per square inch gage (psig) or absolute (psia). Psig measures pressure above the local atmospheric pressure. Psia measures pressure with absolute vaccuum as a reference.
Other energy-related services that are required to control system frequency, to meet changing scheduling requirements, to react to changing loads and unexpected contingencies, and to ensure system stability (i.e. preventing blackouts).