U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation
Industrie: Government
Number of terms: 15655
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A U.S. Department of the Interior agency that oversees water resource management incuding the oversight and operation of numerous diversion, delivery, and storage projects the agency has built throughout the western United States for irrigation, water supply, and attendant hydroelectric power ...
A buttress dam in which the upstream end of each buttress is enlarged to span the gap between buttresses. The terms "round head," "diamond head," "tee head" refer to the shape of the upstream enlargement. See massive head buttress dam.
The ability of a substance to cause poisonous effects resulting in severe biological harm or death soon after a single exposure or dose. Also, any severe poisonous effect resulting from a single short-term exposure to a toxic substance.
Damage caused when partial vacuums formed in a liquid by a swiftly moving solid body (e.g. a propeller) pit and wear away solid surfaces (e.g. metal or concrete). The attack on surfaces caused by the implosion of bubbles of water vapor.
An aquifer in which ground water is confined under pressure which is significantly greater than atmospheric pressure. An aquifer that is bound above and below by dense layers of rock and contains water under pressure. See artesian well.
A NEPA compliance document used to determine if an action would have a significant effect on the human environment. If not, a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) is written. If so, an environmental impact statement (EIS) is written.
Depth of water retained in the soil after ample irrigation or heavy rain when the rate of downward movement has substantially decreased, usually one to three days after irrigation or rain, expressed as a depth of water in inches or feet.
Depth of water retained in the soil after ample irrigation or heavy rain when the rate of downward movement has substantially decreased, usually one to three days after irrigation or rain, expressed as a depth of water in inches or feet.
Hard and firm parts of the earth's crust which is dug out and removed from a particular site or area, see rock. Boulders or detached pieces of solid rock more than 1 cubic yard in volume are classified as rock excavation. See excavation.
A massive block of concrete built to withstand a thrust or pull. A mass of concrete or similar material appropriately placed around a pipe to prevent movement when the pipe is carrying water. Usually placed at bends and valve structures.
A massive block of concrete built to withstand a thrust or pull. A mass of concrete or similar material appropriately placed around a pipe to prevent movement when the pipe is carrying water. Usually placed at bends and valve structures.