U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation
Industrie: Government
Number of terms: 15655
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A U.S. Department of the Interior agency that oversees water resource management incuding the oversight and operation of numerous diversion, delivery, and storage projects the agency has built throughout the western United States for irrigation, water supply, and attendant hydroelectric power ...
Một thuật ngữ được sử dụng bởi cải tạo để mô tả những tiện nghi mà xét nghiệm được tiến hành hàng năm thứ ba, mọc so le thực hiện bởi Denver và văn phòng khu vực tương ứng. Thiếu cơ sở gồm lưu trữ đập nước và hồ chứa, chuyeån đập với lưu trữ đáng kể hoặc nơi thiết bị chính và hoạt động là phức tạp, lớn nhà máy bơm và động cơ, hệ thống kênh đào lớn, lớn người conduit phức tạp đóng cửa hệ thống, và nhóm a cầu.
Sarcina minimă într-un sistem de putere într-o perioadă dată de timp. Sumă constantă minim de încărcare conectat la sistemul de putere peste o anumită perioadă de timp, de obicei pe lunar, sezoniere, sau anual.
川の thalweg の谷の適切な長さの長さの比率。川の蛇行のメジャーを します。川と、曲がりと未満 1.5 通常まっすぐ見なされます。
Přepad, který se standardně nachází v sedle nebo deprese v okraji přehrady, která vede k přírodní nebo těžené vodní, umístěný daleko od přehrady, která umožňuje plánované uvolnění nadměrné povodeň toku nad možnosti služby přepad. Kontrolní struktury je málokdy zařízený. Hřebenu je nastaveno na povrchu zvýšení maximální vody pro 100-year flood nebo nějaké jiné konkrétní frekvenci povodní. Pomocný přepad má tedy jen zřídka využití. Sekundární přepad, který je určen k provozu velmi zřídka a možná i v očekávání jisté míry strukturálních škod nebo eroze na přepad během operace.
Tối thiểu tải trong một hệ thống điện trong một khoảng thời gian nhất định. Tối thiểu số tiền không đổi của tải kết nối với hệ thống điện trong một khoảng thời gian nhất định, thường là vào một hàng tháng, cơ sở theo mùa, hoặc hàng năm.
Pozycja używane w oszacowaniu oceny zmian projektu i oszacowanie elementy płac, które mają niewielki wpływ na koszt całkowity. Dodatku spoza listy elementów oceny szacunki powinny być co najmniej 10 procent elementów na liście. Pozycji używane w szacowaniu wykonalności zmiany ilości ze względu na odbieranie więcej danych projektowych i oszacowanie elementy płac, które mają niewielki wpływ na koszt całkowity. Dodatku spoza listy elementów wykonalności oszacowanie waha się od 2 procent i 15 procent wymienionych elementów, w zależności od postaci ilości specyfikacji.
Eine Schätzung für die Bestimmung der wirtschaftlichen Machbarkeit eines Projekts, die wahrscheinliche Folge und die Kosten für den Bau eines Projekts und als Leitfaden bei der Auswahl von alternativen Speicherorten oder Pläne verwendet.
A spillway which provides for additional safety should emergencies not contemplated by normal design assumptions be encountered, i.e., inoperable outlet works, spillway gates, or spillway structure problems. The crest is usually set at maximum water surface. A spillway that is designed to provide additional protection against overtopping of a dam and is intended for use under extreme conditions such as misoperation or malfunction of the service spillway or other emergency conditions.
A phased system in which dam operating organizations classify dam safety emergency incidents into response levels according to how severe they are at the time of observation and as to time of occurrence. Declaring a response level is followed by providing appropriate notifications to downstream local authorities. This type of system is intended to provide early and prompt notification of minor events that could lead to more serious consequences given the potential for operator error or equipment failure or that might indicate more seroius conditions not yet realized. Response Level I - The first, and least serious, of three response levels that the dam operating organization will declare after analyzing a potentially threatening event. An event in this alert category may be perceived as an emergency or may be of general interest to the public, but does NOT pose a hazard, either at the dam or to downstream populations at risk when observed. Declaring Response Level I allows internal notifications to agency (Reclamation and/or operating agency) technical staff and decision makers that conditions at the dam and reservoir, or in the basin, represent a potentially threatening event; provides trigger points for technical staff to begin predicting future basin runoff, reservoir levels, and the likelihood of life-threatening releases and/or structural failure; and provides a "communications check" to downstream local authorities concerning conditions at the dam. Response Level II - The second of three response levels the dam operating organization will declare after analyzing a threatening event. Declaring Response Level II means that emergency conditions are such that populations at risk should prepare to leave predetermined inundation areas for higher ground and safe shelter. Declaration of Response Level II means that an event has occurred or is likely to occur that will actually threaten the structure and/or areas downstream from the dam if the event continues and/or intensifies. Response Level III - The third, and most serious, response level the dam operating organization will declare after analyzing threatening events. Declaring Response Level III indicates that life-threatening flood waters, as a result of high operational releases or dam failure, present imminent danger to the public located downstream from a dam. Declaration of Response Level III should prompt local officials to immediately evacuate populations at risk.
També anomenades supercrítics flux, flux ràpid es distingeix de flux tranquil per un nombre adimensional anomenat el nombre de Froude. Si el nombre de Froude és menys d'un, el flux és tranquil. Si el nombre de Froude és més gran que un, el flux és ràpid. Si el nombre de Froude és igual a un, el flux és fonamental. Superfície ones pugui propagar-se només en la direcció d'aigües avall. Control de flux ràpid de la profunditat és sempre al final d'aigües amunt de la regió de flux ràpid.