U.S. Department of Defence
Industrie: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
An activity that synchronizes and integrates the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations. This is an integrated intelligence and operations function.
A phase of joint force projection occurring in the operational area. This phase comprises the essential processes required to transition arriving personnel, equipment, and materiel into forces capable of meeting operational requirements.
An information requirement identified by the commander as being critical to facilitating timely decision-making. The two key elements are friendly force information requirements and priority intelligence requirements.
A military-operated retail activity, usually in remote or forward sites, when regular direct operations exchanges cannot be provided. It is a satellite activity of an Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) direct operation. The supported unit appoints the officer in charge of an imprest fund activity, who is issued an initial fund by AAFES to purchase beginning inventory. Money generated from sales is used to replenish the merchandise stock.
A defensive counterair mission that defends airborne national assets which are so important that the loss of even one could seriously impact US warfighting capabilities or provide the enemy with significant propaganda value. Examples of high value airborne assets are Airborne Warning and Control System, Rivet Joint, Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System, and Compass Call.
An authority that affects the overall coordination of counterintelligence (CI) activities (in a joint force intelligence directorate counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element, joint task force configuration), with subordinate command CI elements, other supporting CI organizations, and supporting agencies to ensure full CI coverage of the task force operational area.
A special operations element that is the focal point for the synchronization of special operations forces activities with conventional forces activities. It performs command and control functions according to mission requirements. It normally collocates with the command post of the supported force. It can also receive special operations forces operational, intelligence, and target acquisition reports directly from deployed special operations elements and provide them to the supported component headquarters. It remains under the operational control of the joint force special operations component commander or commander, joint special operations task force.
A joint task force composed of civil-military operations units from more than one Service. It provides support to the joint force commander in humanitarian or nation assistance operations, theater campaigns, or civil-military operations concurrent with or subsequent to regional conflict. It can organize military interaction among many governmental and nongovernmental humanitarian agencies within the theater.
A replacement document for all types of correspondence containing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff policy and guidance that does not involve the employment of forces. An instruction is of indefinite duration and is applicable to external agencies, or both the Joint Staff and external agencies. It remains in effect until superseded, rescinded, or otherwise canceled. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instructions, unlike joint publications, will not contain joint doctrine. Terminology used in these publications will be consistent with JP 1-02.
A document containing detailed procedures for performing specific tasks that do not involve the employment of forces. A manual is of indefinite duration and is applicable to external agencies or both the Joint Staff and external agencies. It may supplement a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction or stand alone and remains in effect until superseded, rescinded, or otherwise canceled. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manuals, unlike joint publications, will not contain joint doctrine. Terminology used in these publications will be consistent with JP 1-02.