United States Bureau of Mines
Industrie: Mining
Number of terms: 33118
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) was the primary United States Government agency conducting scientific research and disseminating information on the extraction, processing, use, and conservation of mineral resources. Founded on May 16, 1910, through the Organic Act (Public Law 179), USBM's missions ...
A residual hill rising above a peneplain, representing an isolated remnant of a former erosion surface. It is named after Mt. Monadnock, NH. Compare: inselberg
A resin resembling amber but insoluble in alcohol and yielding no succinic acid.
A resin, with a plasticizer. Provides the interlayer in standard laminated glass made from either polished plate glass or window glass.
A resinlike, reddish-brown oxygenated hydrocarbon, soluble in boiling alcohol and in ether. Found in certain coal deposits.
A resinoid, hard, brittle substance possessing a pale yellow to deep red color, a specific gravity of 1.16 to 1.54, and burning in a candle flame. It was found in an old lead mine in Northumberland, England.
A resinous substance occurring in large amorphous masses of a hyacinth-red to chestnutbrown color in brown coal near Albona, Istria (former Yugoslavia). Resembles tasmanite in composition.
A resinous, yellowish-white carbonate-apatite mineral or association sometimes occurring as concretionary spherulites. Now called carbonate-hydroxylapatite.
A resistance wire connecting the ends of the leg wire inside an electric detonator and which is embedded in the ignition charge of the detonator.
A resistivity method in which a special electrode configuration is used, consisting of five electrodes, instead of the usual number of four, to provide a check on the observations.
A respirator designed to protect the wearer from inhalation or impact of, and abrasion by, materials used or generated in abrasive blasting.