United States Department of Agriculture
Industrie: Government
Number of terms: 41534
Number of blossaries: 0
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The well decomposed, relatively stable portion of the partly or wholly decayed organic matter in a soil, which provides nutrients and helps the soil retain moisture.
Title V of P.L. 81-171 (October 25, 1949) authorized USDA to make loans to farmers to construct, improve, repair, or replace dwellings and other farm buildings to provide decent, safe, and sanitary living conditions for themselves, their tenants, lessees, sharecroppers, and laborers. The USDA was authorized to make grants or combinations of loans and grants to farmers who could not qualify to repay the full amount of a loan, but who needed the funds to make the dwellings sanitary or to remove health hazards to the occupants or the community. Over time, the Act has been amended to authorize housing loans and grants to rural residents in general and these are administered by the Rural Housing Service (RHS). The rural housing programs are generally referred to by the section number under which they are authorized in the Housing Act of 1949, as amended.
A food stamp household is composed of all those who purchase food and prepare meals in common. All related co-residents must apply as a single food stamp household, no matter how they purchase and prepare food — except for elderly persons who are medically certified as unable to purchase and prepare meals separately. Other co-residents may apply separately if they purchase and prepare food separately, and residents in certain eligible institutional settings (e.g., shelters for battered women, residential drug treatment programs) may apply as separate households no matter how they purchase and prepare food.
The Census of Agriculture includes as "horticultural specialties" bedding plants, florists’ greens, flower and vegetable seeds, flowers, foliage, fruit stocks, nursery and ornamental plants, shrubbery, sod, mushrooms, and vegetables grown under cover (e.g., in greenhouses).
P.L. 91-540 (December 9,1970), as amended, makes it a crime to exhibit, or transport for the purpose of exhibiting, any "sored" horse, which is one whose feet have been injured deliberately to accentuate the animal’s gait. APHIS enforces the law, which covers all breeds, although Tennessee Walking Horses are the most frequent subjects of this procedure.
A program authorized by the emergency provisions of the FY1999 USDA appropriations act (P.L. 105-277, October 21, 1998) that makes recourse loans based on a national average rate of $0.56 per pound on 1998-crop honey. Final date to obtain a loan was May 7, 1999. The producer-owned honey must be merchantable and stored in acceptable containers. Loans carry an administrative fee of $0.009 per pound, bear an interest rate 1% higher than the CCC borrowing interest rate, and mature not later than 9 months following disbursement. The program is administered by the Farm Service Agency.
Non-recourse marketing loans had long been available to support honey prices until FY1994, when the funding was suspended by provisions in annual appropriations legislation. The FACT Act of 1990 had set honey loan rates at 53.8 cents per pound and permitted deficiency payments. The 1996 FAIR Act repealed the statutory authority for the honey program. A Honey Recourse Loan Program was made available the 1998 crop only through broader emergency spending authority in the FY1999 agriculture appropriations act (P.L. 105-277, October 21, 1998).
Non-recourse marketing loans had long been available to support honey prices until FY1994, when the funding was suspended by provisions in annual appropriations legislation. The FACT Act of 1990 had set honey loan rates at 53.8 cents per pound and permitted deficiency payments. The 1996 FAIR Act repealed the statutory authority for the honey program. A Honey Recourse Loan Program was made available the 1998 crop only through broader emergency spending authority in the FY1999 agriculture appropriations act (P.L. 105-277, October 21, 1998).
A pond or reservoir, usually made of earth, built to store polluted runoff.
Number of bushels of corn equal in value to 100 pounds of live hogs (feed ratio). Put another way, the price of hogs, per hundredweight, divided by the price of corn per bushel. Since corn is a major input cost to hog producers, the higher the price of hogs relative to corn, the more profit there is in feeding hogs.