Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
Number of terms: 14663
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Company Profile:
Varian Medical Systems, Inc., headquartered globally in Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics ...
Параметр, который определяет тип врач как основной врач для данного пациента.
Industry:Medical devices
One of three steps in the reconstruction of a CBCT dataset, which produces corrected 2D projections from raw 2D projections. In addition to normalization and logarithmic conversion, preprocessing consists of two distinct steps, spectrum correction and scatter correction: • Spectrum correction compensates for the beam-hardening effect by accounting for the output spectrum of the X-ray tube and the material through which each ray passes (Titanium filter, bowtie filter, and so on) as well as the spectrum sensitivity of the detector. It also performs a (guessed) correction of the beam hardening caused by the object itself. • Scatter correction estimates the amount of X-ray scatter in each projection based on the object visible in the projections, the machine configuration, and precomputed simulations. This estimated scatter contribution is subtracted from the measured X-ray transmission in the projections. See also CBCT reconstruction.
Industry:Medical devices
Кнопку на консоли управления, которая начинается передача параметров из консоли HET Clinac; также известный как режим вверх. Государство, в котором машина выполняет проверку калибровки, как раз перед луч на.
Industry:Medical devices
Component of HET respiratory gating and the Real-time Position Management system that monitors and predicts the patient's breathing pattern. Once the pattern has been established, the predictive filter continuously verifies that this pattern is being followed. If the patient coughs or otherwise interrupts the predicted breathing pattern, the predictive filter detects the interruption, and RPM gates the beam off.
Industry:Medical devices
Один из пяти основных государств, под контролем руководителя. Не полного выключения: включен источник питания для системы управления (24В); все выше, напряжения, питания, движения и луч поколения систем, включая отключена.
Industry:Medical devices
Когда, система управления открывает цикл безопасности питания и предотвращает операцию луч или оси движения до тех пор, пока блокировка признается и освобожден.
Industry:Medical devices
Чтобы включить Clinac мощность, нажав кнопку Пуск на панели распределения первичного питания на модулятор кабинета. Включите питание приносит Clinac системы в состояние ожидания.
Industry:Medical devices
Неисправность оборудования, возникающие при сбое подачи питания.
Industry:Medical devices
Номер, назначенный на место для почтовых целей идентификации.
Industry:Medical devices
One of three stages of CBCT reconstruction, which consists of two distinct steps, HU correction and ring correction, and that applies to 3D images. The HU mapping provides a linear mapping of the arbitrary units of the raw CT numbers, which are the standard intensity scale used in computed tomography (air = -1000 HU and water = 0 HU). Ring correction is performed with a similar approach to that used by Sijbers and Postnov (Phys. Med. Biol. 49:14 (2004) but with an enhancement to account for partial or nonuniform rings. See also CBCT reconstruction.
Industry:Medical devices