Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > фавизм


Name given to the painting of Matisse, Derain and their circle from 1905 to about 1910. They were called les fauves—the wild beasts—because of their use of strident colour and apparently wild brushwork. Their subjects were highly simplified so their work was also quite abstract. Fauvism can be seen as an extreme extension of the Post-Impressionism of Van Gogh combined with the Neo-Impressionism of Seurat. Fauvism can also be seen as a form of Expressionism. The name was coined by the critic Louis Vauxcelles when their work was shown for the first time at the Salon d'automne in Paris in 1905. Other members of the group included Braque, Dufy, Rouault, Vlaminck.

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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Education Catégorie : Enseignement

оқу өнімі

End result of a process of learning; what one has learned.