Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > жүйелі өнер

жүйелі өнер

Loosely describes a group of artists who radically re-thought the object of art in the late 1960s early 1970s. They sought to connect with the political developments of the decade and make their art more responsive to the world around them. Building on the structures of Minimal art and Conceptual art, they reacted against art's traditional focus on the object by adopting experimental aesthetic systems across a variety of media including photography, dance, performance, painting, installation, video and film. Examples of Systems art include Richard Long who imposed rigid structures to his walks across the landscape.

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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Bars & discothèques Catégorie :

түнгі клуб

Also known simply as a club, discothèque or disco is an entertainment venue which usually operates late into the night. A nightclub is generally ...

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