Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > бейнені өзгерту

бейнені өзгерту

A procedure for combining selected portions of video footage in order to create a new, combined version. A variety of editing consoles are available. During video editing, special effects such as wipes, dissolves, inserts, etc. can be added. Professional editing is done using time code recorded on every frame of the magnetic tape allowing single frame accuracy. Audio editing is often carried out simultaneously with video editing.

  • Partie du discours : nom
  • Synonyme(s) :
  • Blossaire :
  • Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Loisirs
  • Catégorie : Vidéo
  • Company: Tektronix
  • Produit :
  • Acronyme-Abréviation :
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Photographie Catégorie : Photographie Professionnelle

жарық қорабы

box of fluorescent tubes balanced for white light and covered with translucent glass or plastic. Used for viewing, registering or correcting film ...