Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > органдин


A very thin, transparent, stiff, wiry, muslin fabric used for dresses, neckwear, trimmings, and curtains. Swiss organdy is chemically treated and keeps its crisp, transparent finish through many launderings. Organdy without chemical treatment loses its crispness in laundering and has to be restarched. Organdy crushes or musses but is easily pressed. Shadow organdy has a faint printed design in self-color.

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Dragan Zivanovic
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Les gens Catégorie : Sportifs

Флојд Мејведер

Born Floyd Sinclair on February 24, 1977, an American professional boxer. He is a five-division world champion, where he won nine world titles in five ...