Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > hemijsko ratovanje

hemijsko ratovanje

All aspects of military operations involving the employment of lethal and incapacitating munitions/agents and the warning and protective measures associated with such offensive operations. Since riot control agents and herbicides are not considered to be chemical warfare agents, those two items will be referred to separately or under the broader term “chemical,” which will be used to include all types of chemical munitions/agents collectively.

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Sanja Milovanovic
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Jouets Catégorie : Poupées

Стив Џобс лутка

Врло реалистична акциона играчка моделована по лику Стива Џобса и произведена у Кини, у Иникон компанији(In Icon) Лутка обухвата анатомски исправну ...