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Sometimes called Orphic Cubism. The term was coined about 1912-13 by the French poet and art critic Guillaume Apollinaire. He used it to describe the Cubist influenced work of Robert Delaunay and his wife Sonia, and to distinguish their very abstract and colourful work from Cubism generally. The name comes from the legendary ancient Greek poet and musician Orpheus. Its use by Apollinaire relates to the idea that painting should be like music, which was an important element in the development of abstract art. In the Delaunays' work patches of subtle and beautiful colour are brought together to create harmonious compositions. Delaunay himself used the term Simultanism to describe his work.

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Tijana Biberdzic
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Histoire Catégorie : Histoire mondiale


Индијска лука у Бенгалском заливу. Енглеска је изградила упориште тамо 1639-40, из ​​којег је Источна Индијска компанија проширила своју контролу над ...