Accueil > Catégories de produits > Carrières professionnelles

Carrières professionnelles

Relating ot he various professional career paths or positions that exist.

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Contributors in Carrières professionnelles

Carrières professionnelles > Soldes

preneur de décision

Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A person in the prospect organization who has the power and budgetary authority to agree to a sales proposal, one of the most common mistakes by sales people is to attempt to sell ...

langage du corps

Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A nonverbal form of communication in which posture, facial expressions, hand movements, etc, convey a message from sender to receiver.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

Un nom, signe, symbole ou conception ou une combinaison de ceux-ci, utilisé pour identifier un produit et pour la différencier des produits concurrents.

marque déposée

Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A name, design or symbol registered for the exclusive use by a manufacturer to distinguish its product.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

Un intermédiaire, celui qui achète des marchandises pour les revendre à profit.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A measure of those in a market who wish to buy a product and can afford to do so.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A method of obtaining primary data in a marketing research study by the use of interviews, either face-to-face, by telephone or by mail.