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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religion > Bouddhisme

Les Trois Joyaux

Religion; Bouddhisme

Or the Triple Gem, i. E. The Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, which are the three essential components of Buddhism. They are the objects of veneration. Buddhists take refuge in ...

Les Trois Refuges

Religion; Bouddhisme

1) je prends refuge dans le Bouddha. 2) je me réfugie dans le Dharma. 3) je me réfugie dans la Sangha.


Religion; Bouddhisme

Le mot Thai pour ''instituteur'', ''maitre'', ''prof''


Religion; Bouddhisme

(Pali) The "Teachings of the Elders" - the only one of the early schools of Buddhism to have survived into the present; currently the dominant form of Buddhism in Thailand, Sri ...


Religion; Bouddhisme

En Pali, non blessant ou endommageant

Bouddhisme theravada

Religion; Bouddhisme

Literally, "the path of the Elders. " Of the three major branches of Buddhism, this was the earliest to crystallize into form. In contrast to Mahayana and Vajrayana, Theravada ...


Religion; Bouddhisme

(Sanskrit) Le Bouddha qui constitue l'objet principal de la dévotion à l'école Terre Pure du bouddhisme chinois et le Jodo et Shin écoles au Japon.