Accueil > Catégories de produits > Textiles


Any cloth, woven or knitted fabric; especially the raw materials that are used to make clothing.

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Textiles > Tissu

laine delaine

Textiles; Tissu

Un tissu de laine avec un imprimé.


Textiles; Tissu

Fabric with patterned cut-outs, edged with embroidered stitches as part of a design.


Textiles; Tissu

Pronounced "file", it is a soft, ribbed fabric, typically made from silk, cotton, or synthetic yarns, with a slight sheen. Similar to bengaline.


Textiles; Tissu

Un tissu mince, pur avec un tissage ouvert lâche qui est généralement fait de coton ou de soie.

machine à égrener

Textiles; Tissu

A device invented by Eli Whitney that separates the cotton fiber from the cotton seed. Prior to this machine, the separation was done by hand.


Textiles; Tissu

A checkered pattern fabric featuring dyed and undyed fibers, most often made from cotton.


Textiles; Tissu

A zig zag twill weave pattern, popular for dress shirts.