Accueil > Catégories de produits > Agriculture > Agricultural programs & laws
Agricultural programs & laws
Of or pertaining to laws, political programs or schemes related to agriculture.
Industrie : Agriculture
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Agricultural programs & laws
Agriculture; Programmes agricoles et lois
Un grand entrepôt qui utilise des convoyeurs verticaux à soulever ou à élever des grains, généralement propriété privée ou par une coopérative agricole, où le grain est stocké avant la ...
Agriculture; Programmes agricoles et lois
A government-ordered prohibition or limitation on trade with another country. Under an embargo, all trade, or selected goods and services, may be restricted. The Food Security Act of 1985 states that ...
Agriculture; Programmes agricoles et lois
The concept of separating federal farm payments from the requirement that farmers produce specified program crops and/or divert land from production. A chief goal of decoupling is to remove a ...
prix différé
Agriculture; Programmes agricoles et lois
A cash forward contract that provides for determining price by formula at a later date. This also may be called "booking the basis," when the formula sets price relative to a futures price.
paiements compensatoires
Agriculture; Programmes agricoles et lois
Direct government payments made to farmers who participated in an annual commodity program for wheat, feed grains, rice, or cotton, prior to 1996. The crop-specific deficiency payment rate was based ...
Agriculture; Programmes agricoles et lois
A chemical that removes leaves from trees and growing plants; regulated as a pesticide.
clause Delaney
Agriculture; Programmes agricoles et lois
The Delaney Clause in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) states that no additive shall be deemed to be safe for human food if it is found to induce cancerin man or animals. It is an ...