Accueil > Catégories de produits > Religion > Christianity


Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, whom adherents believe to be the son of God. According to Christianity Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity phophesied in the Old Testament.

Contributors in Christianisme



Religion; Christianisme

La conviction que toutes les âmes seront sauvées par Dieu à la fin. L'enfer n'existe pas ou est temporaire.


Religion; Christianisme

(Greek evangelion; Old English godspel, "good news"). The content of Christian preaching; that is, that Christ died to save humans from the penalty of sin and reunite them with God. When capitalized, ...


Religion; Christianisme

Le prêtre et le chef spirituel d'un diocèse.


Religion; Christianisme

(Lat. Papa, "father") The bishop of Rome, who became the recognized leader of the entire Western church. See History: Development of the Papacy.

ex cathedra

Religion; Christianisme

(Latin "from the throne. ") Authoritative statements made by the Pope in Roman Catholicism.


Religion; Christianisme

A solemn Christian ritual believed to be a means of grace, a sign of faith, or obedience to Christ's commands. The Anglican catechism defines a sacrament as "an outward and visible sign of an inward ...


Religion; Christianisme

Priest or minister who presides over a service including the Eucharist. Compare with "officiant. "

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