Accueil > Catégories de produits > Logiciels > Database applications
Database applications
Software that facilitates communication between a human user and a database.
Industrie : Logiciels
Ajouter un nouveau termeContributors in Applications de base de donnée
Database applications
accent insensible sorte linguistiques
Logiciels; Applications de base de donnée
Une sorte de linguistique qui utilise des informations uniquement sur les lettres de base, pas des signes diacritiques ou des cas.
fil, une sorte d'execution dans un proces. Chaque thread a son propre stack d'espace mais autreement va en partager la memre avec d'autres threads au meme proces.
Logiciels; Applications de base de donnée
In programming, a single message or process execution path within an operating system that supports multiple operating systems, such as Windows, UNIX, and Java.
espace de noms
Logiciels; Applications de base de donnée
The term to describe a set of related element names or attributes within an XML document. The namespace syntax and its usage is defined by a W3C Recommendation. For example, the element is ...
Logiciels; Applications de base de donnée
A string of characters that may represent either another string of characters or special characters that are not part of the document's character set. Entities and the text that is substituted for ...
Logiciels; Applications de base de donnée
A Java application that runs in a server, typically a Web or application server, and performs processing on that server. Servlets are the Java equivalent to CGI scripts.
Logiciels; Applications de base de donnée
A glyph (font glyph) is a specific representation of a character. A character can have many different glyphs. For example, the first character of the English uppercase alphabet can be printed or ...