Contributors in Ecologie



Biologie; Ecologie

The intake of water or food particles by "swallowing" them, taking them into the body cavity or into a vacuole. Contrast with absorption.


Biologie; Ecologie

Le processus de dessèchement. En biologie, la perte d'humidité dans les organismes.


Biologie; Ecologie

L'étude de l'écologie de système de fleuve et de la vie.


Biologie; Ecologie

The taking in of water and dissolved minerals and nutrients across cell membranes. Contrast with ingestion.


Biologie; Ecologie

Un aminosugar et un polysaccharide (un hydrate de carbone insoluble tissé à partir des sucres simples entrelacées) trouvent dans les parois cellulaires de certains champignons et insectes ...


Biologie; Ecologie

Cut down a forest and make a localized drought. Deforestation is a direct cause of spreading desertification worldwide. Parallel damage to the human psyche remains largely unexplored.

effet Wallace

Biologie; Ecologie

Females attracted to males most like themselves breed offspring more like themselves and less like the members of any subspecies, a tendency that eventually creates a separate species.

Blossaires en vedette

Medical Terminology

Catégorie : Health   1 15 Termes

Catholic Devotions

Catégorie : Religion   1 18 Termes