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General chemistry

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General chemistry

masse isotopique

Chimie; Chimie générale

The mass of a single atom of a given isotope , usually given in daltons .


Chimie; Chimie générale

Separation of a dense material (usually a solid) from a less dense material (usually a liquid) by allowing the denser material to settle out of the mixture.

rayon atomique

Chimie; Chimie générale

One half the distance between nuclei of atoms of the same element, when the atoms are bound by a single covalent bond or are in a metallic crystal. The radius of atoms obtained from covalent bond ...

energie d'ionisation verticale

Chimie; Chimie générale

The energy required to remove an electron from an atom, molecule, or ion in the gas phase without moving any nuclei. The vertical ionization energy is greater than or equal to the adiabatic ...


Chimie; Chimie générale

Having a relatively large amount of substance present in a unit amount of mixture. For example, a 12 M HCl solution is more concentrated than an 0.001 M HCl solution.


Chimie; Chimie générale

A contour line that corresponds to values measured at identical temperatures. For example, curves on a plot of gas pressure measured at different volumes in a constant temperature bath are isotherms.

methode scientifique

Chimie; Chimie générale

An inefficient but highly successful method of knowledge construction based on experimental testing of hypotheses .

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