Accueil > Catégories de produits > Chimie > General chemistry

General chemistry

Contributors in Chimie générale

General chemistry

eau regale

Chimie; Chimie générale

Un mélange de nitrique et l'acide chlorhydrique, généralement les parties 1 / 3 ou 1:4 HNO3 à HCl, utilisé pour dissoudre l'or.

energie de premiere ionisation

Chimie; Chimie générale

The energy needed to remove an electron from an isolated, neutral atom.

agent oxydant

Chimie; Chimie générale

A reactant that removing electrons from other reactants in a chemical reaction. Oxidizing agents cause other substances to be oxidized in chemical reactions while they themselves are reduced. For ...

theorie de la liaison de valence

Chimie; Chimie générale

A theory that explains the shapes of molecules in terms of overlaps between half-filled atomic orbitals , or half filled "hybridized" orbitals (which are a mixture of atomic orbitals).

agent complexant

Chimie; Chimie générale

A ligand that binds to a metal ion to form a complex.


Chimie; Chimie générale

A contour line that corresponds to values measured at identical volumes. For example, a curve on a plot of gas pressure measured at different temperatures in a rigid container is an isochore.

osmose inverse

Chimie; Chimie générale

Solvent molecules flow spontaneously from a dilute solution through a semipermeable membrane to a more concentrated solution (osmosis). In reverse osmosis, pressure is applied to the more ...

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