Accueil > Catégories de produits > Physique > Nanotechnology


Of or pertaining to the manipulation of matter on an atomic or molecular scale. More specifically, it is the science and technology of matter manipulation from 1 to 100 nanometers.

Contributors in Nanotechnologie


quotient de sensibilite

Physique; Nanotechnologie

In the article "Xenopsychology" by Robert Freitas in Analog of April 1984 there is an interesting index called "Sentience quotient". It is based on: The sentience of an intelligence is roughly ...

alliage a memoire de forme

Physique; Nanotechnologie

A unique class of alloys which are able to "remember" their shape and are able to return to that shape even after being bent. The ability is known as the shape memory effect. ... This property has ...


Physique; Nanotechnologie

Defined by Vernor Vinge as the "postulated point or short period in our future when our self-guided evolutionary development accelerates enormously (powered by nanotechnology, neuroscience, AI, and ...

materiaux intelligents

Physique; Nanotechnologie

Here, materials and products capable of relatively complex behavior due to the incorporation of nanocomputers and nanomachines. Also used for products having some ability to respond to the ...


Physique; Nanotechnologie

Un objet ou substance qui conduit l'électricité avec une résistance nulle.


Physique; Nanotechnologie

Une intelligence qui est beaucoup plus intelligente que les meilleurs cerveaux humains dans pratiquement tous les domaines, y compris la créativité scientifique, sagesse générale et les aptitudes ...

nanofil superréseau

Physique; Nanotechnologie

Faisceaux entrelacés de nanofils utilisant des substances avec des propriétés et des compositions différentes.

Blossaires en vedette

Herbs and Spices in Indonesian Cuisine

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Beehives and beekeeping equipment

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