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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Chimie organique

Organic chemistry

formiate de méthyle

Chimie; Chimie organique

HCOOCH 3 A flammable, colorless liquid with a boiling point of 31.8_C; soluble in ether, water, and alcohol; used in military poison gases and larvicides, and as a fumigant.


Chimie; Chimie organique

C 19 H 22 N 2 O A colorless, crystalline alkaloid that melts at about 245_C; extracted from cinchona bark, it is used as a substitute for quinine and as a spot reagent for bismuth.

réaction péricyclique

Chimie; Chimie organique

L'un d'un groupe de réactions impliquant les polyènes conjugués et de procéder par étape (concertée) mécanismes réactionnels.


Chimie; Chimie organique

C 41 H 64 O 13 A poisonous steroid glycoside found as the most active principle of digitalis, from the foxglove leaf.

acide fluoracétique

Chimie; Chimie organique

CH 2 FCOOH A poisonous, crystalline compound obtained from plants, such as those of the Dichapetalaceae family, South Africa, soluble in water and alcohol, and burns with a green flame; the sodium ...

furoate de méthyle

Chimie; Chimie organique

C 4 H 3 OCO 2 CH 3 Colorless liquid that turns yellow in light; soluble in ether and alcohol, insoluble in water; used as a solvent and chemical intermediate.


Chimie; Chimie organique

CHBr 3 A colorless liquid, slightly soluble in water; used in the separation of minerals.

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