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Particle physics

Contributors in La physique des particules

Particle physics


Physique; La physique des particules

Pions are the lightest mesons. They are composed of up quarks, down quarks, and their anti-quark counterparts. Pions of charge +1, -1, and 0 are denoted pi + , pi - , and pi 0 , respectively.


Physique; La physique des particules

the anti-matter partner of the electron. It is identical in all respects to an electron, but it has positive charge.

collisions p-p

Physique; La physique des particules

Collisions between two protons.


Physique; La physique des particules

One of the constituents of atoms. Along with the neutron, the proton can be found in the nuclei (centers) or atoms. Protons have a positive electric charge, and are composed of two up quarks and a ...

chromodynamique quantique (QCD)

Physique; La physique des particules

The theory of the strong interaction. It describes the exchange of gluons between quarks.

dimensions quantiques

Physique; La physique des particules

As yet undiscovered dimensions of space-time that convert force particles to matter particles and vice versa. Such dimensions are predicted in theories with supersymmetry or superstrings. The pair of ...

gravité quantique

Physique; La physique des particules

At very small distances, the principles of quantum mechanics are necessary to accurately describe physical phenomena. Developing a theory that incorporates both the principles of quantum mechanics ...

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